Earthbound Environmental Solutions, LLC

As a business in the Chippewa Valley, Earthbound is your local choice for organics recycling. Earthbound, a recognized innovator in the industry, offers dynamic services to meet the needs of our ever changing business community. This is accomplished by combining hauling services, processing capability, and business support and sales.

What is organics recycling?

Organics recycling is taking recycling to a whole new level! This process involves recycling anything that was once alive- into compost! Similar to other recycling practices, Eau Claire residents now have the choice to separate and recycle their organic material from their home; AKA-Curbside Composting. We've designed the program to be EASY for subscribers and give you all you need to get started. Wondering what we accept for Organics? Many are surprised to hear we accept ALL FOOD WASTE as well as yard waste (all year round!) and other compostable items. See our Complete list of what is/isn't compostable with Earthbound. 

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